Your efforts to gain attention by posting intellectually devoid status, shout-outs, and comments in Facebook wont go in vain I promise. You will get what you ask for - everybody will think that you are slow in the mind from now on.
Will it hurt you to be a little more realistic? I guess that if you put a lot of heart into it, you wouldn't at least post shameful ramblings. Be a little more sophisticated than the bile-spewing psychotics on the streets since technically right now, you are no less the same.
Gee, I guess there's no getting through you since even if you were twice as smart, you'd still be stupid so I shouldn't have bothered in the first place.
haha paka anti social mo talaga!:))
Hoy hindi! Madami lang kasing chimay na nakiki facebook. Kaya minsan punung punu ng kahalayan ang facebook. Yun eh, pag online lang naman sila.
Wow word war, I like it. But you said in your previous comment, "chimay". Chimay as in kasambahay?
ewan. basta baduy at feeling, chimay na yun. haha. i have nothing against maids.