Sunday, February 27, 2011

5 Post-modern Thieves

File:Fortunes of a Street Waif.jpg
Like having an invisible watermark or signature on the gag- my gut with angst of certainty, protested like something was stolen from me…

Another one of my jokes has bloomed to the public and I am not getting any morsel of credit because someone quoted it on Facebook faster than I could remember it or even bother posting it.

Tush, what is keeping these people busy enough from having originality of their own?

Comments :

5 Reactions to “ Post-modern Thieves ”
J said...

What joke is this?

Arvin said...

I feel like becoming like one or I become one?

uno said...

nyaks tiamaan ako dun ah...

AIS said...

@ate J: can't tell. my blog is linked to my facebook and twitter. gahaha.

@arvin: you think so?

@uno: dodge kuya uno! dodge!!! haha. =D

SPLICE said...

Tush, what is keeping these people busy enough from having originality of their own?

They must be too busy plagiarizing :)

Proper citation should be taught as early as childhood education, or at least before people become Supreme Court justices, among the other breeds of notorious plagiarists.

Post-modern Thieves ~ SHOCKING TRUTHS